These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - September 2018

Ahhh September. Usually we get some summer spill-over in September, but Summer seemed to end in August this year. Doesn’t September always feel like the start of a new year? My daughter started Grade 2 and my middle started Kindergarten. They are LOVING being in school, which is amazing. My youngest also started preschool (first kid to ever go to preschool!) and he loves it too. He talks about school and his friends and it’s adorable.

India also turned 7 in September! The kids had a ton of fun celebrating her birthday. I didn’t get a ton of photos, because we had 14 kids at the house (and it rained of course). The theme was Pirate, and they got to do a rainy treasure hunt and lots of games (and I got to use a lot of leftover decorations from her two mermaid parties, woot!)

We also headed back to the apple orchard at Willowview Farms, because we ran out of apples, and it was a pro-d day, so why not!

At the end of the month we had an amazing visit with my grandparents in beautiful Okanagan. My grandparents are really the sweetest. It’s such a blessing to be able to bring my children to come visit them and how they get to experience all the great things I got to experience as a child when I visited.

My grandma made dried apples and apple pies with the kids, and my grandpa drove them around in the riding lawn mower (both were definite highlights of their trip). It was so sad to leave, but it was a really great visit.

Here’s a crappy video I made with my iPhone.

I also missed a LOT of days this month, but tried to make up for it 😉