These are the Days // 365 Daily Photo Project - July + August 2018

This summer has been crazy busy for me, business-wise, but when I haven't been working, it's been so nice to be able to go do things as a family without worrying about school schedules. I was so happy to get a few weeks off-call this summer since I had decided to take births on! In July I had 3 births in 5 days, plus the aftermath of newborn sessions and fresh baby sessions and films to edit. It's been a lot! My mom (ie my regular childcare) was also gone a lot, so I had to pay some sitters to come when I was super swamped!

My oldest went to sleep away camp for the first time (only 2 nights though) and she had a blast.

We also headed Bowen Island mid-July! We had never been before, and the kids had a ton of fun going on the ferry and running around our vacation rental (they don't have any hotels on Bowen Island, but we actually really like Vacation rentals when we travel with the kids especially....because bedrooms and a kitchen make our lives a lot easier). We spent lots of time at the beach. One day we were at the beach for 7 hours and the kids were upset that I had only packed lunch, not dinner as well 😂

In July the kids did a lemonade stand (they had been asking to do a lemonade stand for literally about 2 years now) and made over $54 after expenses! I think it may have been the hottest day of the summer, but we set them up in the shade and they did a great job. 

This summer we also got a trampoline, hamsters (to be kept at Nana's house) and started POTTY TRAINING (which is going actually amazingly well!). I can't believe we are almost all the way out of diapers! 

We did lots of berry and apple picking with our friends, which is always so much fun (and delish). 

Nearing the end of the summer we enjoyed a local car show, a day at the beach and a day at the fair as a family...oh, and a pig roast (so gross and so sad) I'm so so glad my husband has freedom in his schedule like me so that we can do things during the week! (I hate crowds)

On the last day of August, we went out for an early breakfast as a family at Cora's and I took the kids for a little swim that afternoon :) Sadly it was SO smoky here for the month of August from all the forest, so it kind of stole our summer away and made it cool and blocked the sun (and the pretty mountains). It seems like this might be our summer reality from now on. 

Head over to see Kris' beautiful work for the month of August!