family photos

17 Photos to Take in Your Baby's First Month

17 Photos to Take in Your Baby's First Month

If you’ve had a baby before, you know how fast and blurry those first days of life are in that fresh postpartum stage. I don’t think you can get enough pictures or videos of that sweet oxytocin-inducing babe, but whether you’re healing from a vaginal delivery or a cesarean, it’s so hard to…

Blueberry Farm Documentary Minis

Blueberry Farm Documentary Minis

This July I did a couple blueberry farm documentary sessions at MacDonald’s Blueberries in Pitt Meadows. I love these sessions, and my clients always love the idea of planning mini documentary sessions around an activity. Here’s how they went!

CHRISTMAS TREE FARM | Documentary Style Family Mini Sessions

CHRISTMAS TREE FARM | Documentary Style Family Mini Sessions

Tis the season for mini sessions! I adore these little seasonal, tradition sessions that give just a little snippet of your family life…next stop, a full “Day in the Life” session for you though, amiright!?

For these 40 minute sessions, we are heading to Allouette Tree Farm in Maple Ridge. The ultimate goal is for you to actually buy your Christmas tree DURING our session! I want to capture the hunt, the kid wrangling, the cutting of the tree, loading the car, and all the crazy that goes along with these outings. There is even hot apple cider and a fire to relax beside if you need to warm up and snuggle by the fire for a bit. Don’t need a full tree or have an artificial tree? Just let the kids hunt the farm for a tiny one for them to decorate at home, and maybe pick up a handmade wreath for your front door! They smell ah-mazing.