Birth Feature

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

“This pregnancy was so different than my first. The morning sickness lasted forever, and just as it started to go away I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which honestly felt so unfair to me at the time because I live a pretty balanced lifestyle knowing that diabetes runs in my family. I thought I had done everything “right” to avoid it…”

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

An Adoption Story | Fraser Valley Photographer and Filmmaker

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to adopt a baby? Rob and Sarah so graciously invited me to film their adoption journey, and it was absolutely incredible. Ethel just turned ONE. So I thought it was fitting to finally blog their story! YES they have a pet pig who lives in their house, and YES she is breastfeeding…

A Beautiful Fraser Valley Home Birth | Alyssa Kellert Photo + Film

A Beautiful Fraser Valley Home Birth | Alyssa Kellert Photo + Film

Ahh home births. There’s just something so cozy and calm about them. It’s incredible to be a part of something so powerful, every single time. This was their FOURTH little baby, third girl (and third home birth)! They were incredibly excited to meet their little one, and mom waited oh so patiently. Mom was in early labour for quite a while, and I was on high alert for their birth…

Erin's Beautiful HBAC Birth Story Film | Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

Erin's Beautiful HBAC Birth Story Film | Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

An amazing HBAC birth story film of Erin + Cody's rainbow baby ❤️ I was called the morning of June 16 and given a heads' up the morning of Sara's birth, then mama called again me shortly after asking me to come right away! I had arranged all my childcare at that point and headed over…