birth video

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

“This pregnancy was so different than my first. The morning sickness lasted forever, and just as it started to go away I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which honestly felt so unfair to me at the time because I live a pretty balanced lifestyle knowing that diabetes runs in my family. I thought I had done everything “right” to avoid it…”

Erin's Beautiful HBAC Birth Story Film | Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

Erin's Beautiful HBAC Birth Story Film | Fraser Valley Birth Photographer

An amazing HBAC birth story film of Erin + Cody's rainbow baby ❤️ I was called the morning of June 16 and given a heads' up the morning of Sara's birth, then mama called again me shortly after asking me to come right away! I had arranged all my childcare at that point and headed over…