birth photography vancouver

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

Gestational Diabetes and a Beautiful Home Birth

“This pregnancy was so different than my first. The morning sickness lasted forever, and just as it started to go away I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Which honestly felt so unfair to me at the time because I live a pretty balanced lifestyle knowing that diabetes runs in my family. I thought I had done everything “right” to avoid it…”

12 Essentials to Pack in your Birth Bag

12 Essentials to Pack in your Birth Bag

Whether you are having a hospital or home birth, you will need to have a go-bag! Especially since you could go into labour at any time, around 30 weeks is a great time to put it together. I have heard so many stories of women going into labour when they’re out and about, or when they have gone in for a prenatal visit, and suddenly were told to go to the hospital NOW due to some complication. Have a bag ready so that…